Rose Ashley

Rose Ashley Biblical Finance 101 Student

Prior to taking Biblical Finance 101, finances were a big stressor for my husband and I. We’d set a budget every month, but by the end of the month, we’d always be in a deficit. After taking Biblical Finance 101, we realized that there were several things that we were doing that sabotaged our budget, and negatively impacted our finances.

This class gives you a foolproof method on how to prepare your budget, and plan your finances. You’re reminded throughout the course to go to God for guidance, and to prayerfully access your options as they pertain to your finances. This point was key for me, as I found that day-to-day I would make these decisions on my own, without going to God. To say the very least, this method was not working!   

Our family’s financial income has not changed (increased), but now after taking this course we have enough money to cover our monthly expenses, pay off debt, save towards an emergency fund, and most importantly we’ve been able to increase our kingdom investment contributions. Additionally, my husband and I are no longer constantly stressed out about money, and communication regarding managing our finances has greatly improved. We now look forward to the benefits associated with managing our finances effectively i.e., having money in reserve/saved for family vacations, home repairs etc.

I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who needs help with managing their finances. As long as you attend class regularly, have an open mind and actually implement what you’ve learned you’ll be successful in the course.